
Traditional Quilting w/a Twist

Here are two more quilting UFO's...my ambition
is to finish the squares (it's a 'sampler' quilt in shades of pink and green) and pick a sashing and border fabric, then SEW ON the sashing and border. I may hand quilt this one, so that final step may have to wait a year since I hope it to end up queen-sized. But I definitely want to get the top all done, including sashing and borders finished.

The square on the left is called "54-50 or Fight". It has something to do with the setting of the longitude for the acquisition of Washington State and Oregon, but I haven't finished researching the title yet. In this piece, one of my favorites, I used the strip-piecing technique for the points of the star in dark greens, burgandies, light pink floral, and cream floral.

Quilt names fascinate me...for instance, the three squares pictured on the right are known as "Carrie Nation". Now Carrie Nation was a real woman in the early 1900's who had an incrediblly endearing hobby of plunging through the doors of an alcohol-serving establishment and smashing the bar into smithereens with an axe -- a full-sized chop-down-huge-trees AXE. * I kid you not, and you should see the fierce expression depicted on her face...that is one p'd-off woman! These squares utilize dark greens and self-print muslin for the main squares, with the smaller 1" squares in shades of blue/blue-green prints/green.
I still have work to do on my pic-taking, camera-cussing (I mean) utilizing skills, but at least things are more in focus, and the new camera may yet have its name changed from "Damn Camera" to "Damn GOOD Camera"!!!

*Note: I don't know what it is with women and axes in the early days, but there was also Lizzie Borden [who] took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks and when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one. I guess women were thorough back then in their endeavors.

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