
"Slow and Steady..."

ring pillow
Originally uploaded by Marjorie from Illnois.

I'm snatching a few moments on the computer at the library, came across this beautiful piece by my friend Marjorie on Flickr. Along the lines of Sharon B's post (www.inaminuteago.com), and others' posts, on the current theme of "Slow". Sometimes fast is good, depending on the circumstances, but I do truly believe that when you take time and care in creating something, its beauty lasts so much longer.

Although this lovely piece is for Marjorie's niece's wedding, I find it fascinating that she had included the turtle. It puts me in mind of Aesop's fable of the turtle and the hare, where slow and steady gets it done best.

1 comment:

Altered Kat said...

Happy New Year Sarah!...may 2008 be filled with creativity, inspiration and happy healthy times!

Kat :o)