
Paisley Embroidery on Paper

Paisley embroidery on paper
Originally uploaded by dogdaisy92.

This is another piece of Jackie's wonderful work. I love the paisley shapes, of course, and the colors are my favorite combinations. But what really gets me is if you click on this for a close up, it looks like lace. IMHO, it's an amazing piece of work. Here's Jackie's flickr link so you can see more of her stuff:


There are so many wonderful artists out there, periodically I'll feature others. Today, however, I wanted to show off Jackie's work not only because she sent me a personal piece, but also because I have a genuine admiration for and excitement about her stuff.


Be adventurous! Be different! And I'll be back!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work! I enjoyed this post very much. I too love paisleys. This lady is mighty creative! Congrats to her and to you, too, for sharing some quality creations.